Willowdale Women

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A Surprise Message

Over the last few months, I have learned (like many other teachers) that this “back to normal” school year is not actually “back to normal” at all. Somehow, with decreased health, safety precautions and the availability of a vaccine, this year seems even harder than last. A month or so ago I was in the middle of struggling with the school year, my mental health, and my general work life balance. I was walking around depressed, anxious, and very frustrated. I was out of patience and feeling really defeated about a few different situations. In this moment, when I least expected it, is when I received the message that changed everything.

One afternoon, I was strolling down the hallway after 8th period, and I ran into another teacher at my school. I didn’t know her well as I haven’t worked in this building long, but she was always kind, smiling, and stopping to say hello. On this particular day, she stopped me in the hall and told me that she was praying for me this morning. I thought maybe I heard her wrong. I teach in a public school and God rarely comes up, not to mention that I really didn’t know her that well. I asked for clarification and she was in fact telling me that she prayed for me that morning. She told me how she normally prays on her drive in to work, and I just popped into her head that morning. She said that God wanted me to know that it was okay, that I had suffered a big injustice and that He “had me.”

Well, right there in the middle of the hallway, I started crying. I quickly asked if we could go to her nearby classroom and we did. Once in her room, we both could not stop saying how we had the chills! She said she was nervous to say anything as she wasn’t sure if I believed, but I reassured her that I most certainly do. I explained that I was going through a difficult situation right now, and I had been hard on myself for not leaning on God enough. She quickly said not to worry and that this was part of his message – there is no right or wrong way to talk to Him or lean on Him. I needed to stop beating myself up over not being a “good enough” Christian. To say I felt instant relief is an understatement. What a powerful moment! This woman who was nearly a stranger delivered a very important message to me at just the right time, thanks to divine intervention. I am still amazed at the courage it must have taken for her to approach me about that message.

All of this goes to show that God is there for us always; we just need to make sure we are listening. Proverbs 2:1-5 reads, “My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” My coworker was clearly listening for His wisdom.

How different might our lives be if we, too, always made sure we were listening to God’s message and followed it? The next time you feel a push from God to act on something, I encourage you to think of this story and take the leap. Be bold, be brave, be the messenger.


Lisa Replogle has had a long, ever-changing journey in her relationship with Christ, and she is excited to share what she has learned along the way.

She is a certified early childhood and special education teacher and currently teaches high school multiple disability support. She spends her time outside the classroom sharing her passion for dance with local groups for individuals with special needs.

Lisa and her husband are the parents of six-year-old identical twin boys.