Willowdale Women

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A Letter to Myself

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month 2024, I hope this helps those who need to hear this message too.

A letter to myself,

You are amazing. The way you battle for your mental wellness every day while balancing all that is on your plate makes you a modern-day warrior. Your scars are a badge of courage. Each one represents the moments on this journey of life. Some of them may remind you of times that your friend walked side by side with you through a dark time of depression or the difficulties anxiety brings. Some may have been from a silent journey when you felt isolated and alone. But it reminds you that you did get through it. You had more strength than you thought was imaginable. 

But regardless of how large or small your scars, each one healed as you walked with your hand in Jesus’ hand. His presence in the journey wasn’t always evident because your eyes were not yet open to see. But He was there every step. Protecting you. Holding you. Wiping your tears. Helping you put one foot in front of the other when getting out of bed seemed impossible. He wants to remind you:

You are a daughter of the King (1 John 3)

You are Worthy (Luke 12)

You are Seen (Genesis 16)

You have Hope (Jeremiah 29)

You have a Future (Jeremiah 29)

And He offers you these promises about Him:

There is nothing too big for me to handle (1 Corinthians 15)

I am always good (Psalm 145)

I offer peace (1 Thessalonians 5)

I am there in the quiet (Psalm 23)

I speak to the Father on your behalf (Romans 8)

I want you to know these promises from God because the world offers temporary fixes -- He offers you joy. I want you to prioritize your mental wellness. Seek out therapy. Everyone could benefit from sharing what’s on their heart and the burdens they carry. If you don’t connect with the first person you talk to, don’t give up. Find a connection. You are worth this effort. It may take time, but healing will come. Your doctors may prescribe medication, try it. God has gifted these doctors and scientists. It may be the answer you are looking for. 

Don’t walk this journey alone. Always seek Christ first. He is your anchor. You will most likely need help finding your way back to the anchor and hoisting it over the deck to steady your ship. That’s because we were made for community. We are meant to have belonging. Find these people and hold them tight. Choose those that put Christ at the center of their lives and encourage you to do the same. Choose those that remind you of His promises when you can’t see them for yourself.

Remember on the hard days that your life has just as much purpose as it did when you felt the sun shining. You are loved and worthy. The world is a better place because of you. 


Susan Veenema and her husband, Jeremy, love exploring Chester County with their two older biological daughters and three adopted children. Susan has been in education for over 20 years supporting children with disabilities and their families. She currently works at the Department of Education.

One of her greatest joys is leading women's and youth Bible studies.

People are her passion. She loves to read, write and study everything from history to social sciences to the early church. You'll always find her trusty German Shorthaired Pointer by her side.