Willowdale Women

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Celebrate Freedom

I was taught by a pastor at some point that Christians should be the ones having the best parties, the most fun, and freely celebrating the good things in life.

Put another way, I’ve heard people say they take life seriously, but they don’t take themselves too seriously.

When we have our security in the God of the universe, we are free to live life to the fullest. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. 

This week, we celebrate Independence Day and the wonderful freedoms we have in America.

In a few weeks the world will cheer on some of the greatest athletes of our time at the summer Olympics in Paris.

There are weddings, birthdays, a child’s first pulled tooth, a new job, a successful plant grown in a garden – so many things we can celebrate!

While Christians walk through hardships just like all humans do, we also have a reason for the hope we have. 

If you need a few ideas of how to celebrate, here are a few that have brought smiles in the past:

  1. Glow sticks. These aren’t just for kids. Bring some out at the next summer evening gathering or outing to spread some happiness. Walk the dog while wearing a glow stick necklace and see if it sparks some happy chats with neighbors.

  2. A handmade card or sign for someone who got through a tough week or project at work. The tone should be celebratory – “Congratulations” instead of “Thinking of You.”

  3. Birthdays – this one can be tricky because some people don’t like the attention, but at whatever level is appropriate, go big in celebrating someone’s birthday who you love. It could be reaching out to that old college roommate with a text about the things that have stuck with you all these years later that you appreciate about them. Or it could be an elaborate surprise for your spouse with every detail considered to make it easy on them.

  4. Host an Olympics viewing party: Gather neighbors and friends for a low key time to hang out and cheer on your country. Team colors strongly encouraged! Grab some easy snacks, turn on an Olympics themed playlist and enjoy one of the few good global events that is uniting the world these days.

These are just a few ideas, but hopefully they’ll spark more for you. There are many opportunities for us to bring light into this dark world simply by celebrating. 

Whether through fireworks or glow sticks, celebrate freely!

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay


Originally from Georgia, Mary Beth Gombita is a lover of sweet tea, a proud Georgia Bulldog and an avid music fan.

She works in public relations, running her own communications consulting business from home. Mary Beth and her husband, Stephen, have two young sons. She is currently the editor of our Willowdale Women blog.