Willowdale Women

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God's Glorious Natural Reminders

I have had the privilege of going out on a boat with my family in the Delaware Bay numerous times over the past few years. We have seen the water as smooth as glass and so rough we have to stick to the inner harbor! We have seen completely blue skies and fog so thick we could not see past 20 yards of water. We have seen ferries, sailboats, fishing boats, and carriers. We have seen osprey, pelicans, sea gulls, horseshoe crabs, turtles, and dolphins. We have jumped in and swam to shore. (Okay, my family has; I prefer clear pool water. But I watch.) Each time I am amazed by God’s creation – the diversity in colors, shapes, and abilities. 

In these adventures, I am always excited to spot dolphins! They swim in pods popping up through the water's surface. More often than not a few are playing, showing off higher jumps and different motions. Their beauty and movements are so wonderful! I point them out to my children, more eager for them to see. They are not as amused. “Yeah, okay Mom. Can I have a snack?” I am constantly shocked and frustrated by their apathy in sighting these creatures. We explain that most people do not get this pleasure outside of an aquarium and how we are fortunate to have this privilege.  

We, as parents, stay excited and encourage our children to sight the various animals because even though they have seen them many times before, there is always something new to find!

With this, I am reminded of God’s frustration with many of our choices. How often does He show us His care, love and existence in many ways through His creation – in the rise and fall of the sun and moon, in the wonder of our children, in the prayers answered and in the people saved in Him forevermore?    

Yet, how often do we need to be reminded? Reminded of His creation all around us. Reminded of His power to flood the entire earth. Reminded of His love by bringing us Jesus. Reminded of all His gifts in our less than miraculous lives. How often is our prayer answered and then forgotten when the next thing in our life does not go according to our plan? And what about the skepticism produced by the prayer never even raised? 

His Word reminds me of what God desires for us daily.  

Seek Him: Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” 

Bring your worries: 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.”

Be kind: Ephesians 4:31-32 “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

God's greatness can be found throughout the Bible and within our mundane day to day. Despite the evidence all around me, I often find myself turning to something more human and less impressive than God himself. I need the reminders and the discipline of devotionals, constant prayer, consistent Sunday sermons, and Bible studies. Faced with the chaos of our world and human nature, I feel so pulled away from what God wants for me. While I feel sad to admit that I need reminders, God knew we all would, which is why He left them everywhere for us: let us look out in the robust forests, the ginormous oceans, and the amazing creatures and pause. See God’s creation, grace, and love. It is all around us, when we take the time to look and listen.  

Image by Andreas from Pixabay


A former teacher, coach and personal trainer, Kristin Ryan now loves being a stay-at-home mom. As someone who has more recently found Christianity, she enjoys learning and growing in her faith and is excited to share her experience with others. Kristin and her husband, Casey, have three small children (one was born during the pandemic) and one big dog.