
Meditating on God’s Word

Meditating on God’s Word

When life is full of trials, sometimes I just want to crawl into the fetal position with covers over my head. I’ll call my sister or a girlfriend and just vent. But, oh how I have learned God wants every part of us. He wants those cries. He wants to go through all circumstances with us to guide us and show us His hand.

What to Do When We’re Lost and Afraid

What to Do When We’re Lost and Afraid

One summer years ago when we lived in Illinois, our extended family joined us for a trip to Chicago to visit what was then the Sears Tower. 

We found parking several floors up in a large garage. The elevator could only fit eight of the twelve of us. As those of us in the first group got off at ground level, the doors closed before my daughter Lauren and her cousin Lori, both about six years old, stepped out. The elevator was already moving back up before we could stop it.

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Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

There is a passage in Matthew 5 called the Beatitudes. It is a portion of Scripture that gives instruction about life in the kingdom of God. Jesus was speaking directly to His disciples in this passage, and the crowds were so intrigued by what He had to say they followed him and listened.

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Pursuing Solitude

Pursuing Solitude

Life is busy. It doesn’t matter what phase of life you are in, we are in a society that tells us more is better when it comes to our social life. I know that even my days off get scheduled with chores, dinners out and Netflix. It makes me wonder why. We all would probably say we are tired and worn out from the everyday stress of this life even if we are happy and content in our circumstance.

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Lessons from a Dying Succulent

Lessons from a Dying Succulent

The summer after my senior year of college, I walked into a flower shop and walked out with a succulent. Like most of my plant purchases, it was an impulse buy. I’ve never had much of a green thumb, but succulents were trendy at the time and they’re supposed to be one of the easier plants to keep alive. I took it home, stuck it in a mason jar, and posted a photo of it on Instagram so my friends could see what a good plant mom I was.