Depression With and Without Faith

By Kristin Ryan

Five years ago I reached the beginning of the end.  After several years of battling depression, I got to a place where I needed it to be over.  I tried counseling, confided in a friend, and was on medication.  I saw no way out. I had fallen into a deep hole and the sky was turning dark.  Then…

Not as a Christian, I was invited to Willowdale.  God drew me to attend.  God kept me going.  God brought me relationships, kindness, love, hope, joy, worth, life!  He reached in my hole and pulled me out.  That invite was the beginning of the end!  The end of my old, unwanted life.  The beginning of my new found faith.

Fast forward five years - insert multiple life changes: baptism, three kids, a pandemic and now, here comes another battle with depression.  This battle was different.  This time I had God.  I fell into a hole, but it was filled with water.  God has given me the skills to tread.  God sent people to throw out the ropes.  I had the strength to pull myself out.

Proverbs 18:10: “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”

I won’t lie, I’ve questioned if having to battle depression again would make me lose my faith.  On the contrary, I won my battle with my faith.  I suffered less and gained more.  I gained an even higher value of my faith, knowledge of the importance of continued prayer and study, understanding from friends, and a greater appreciation for joy!  

Having depression is sometimes hard to see in yourself or others.  It’s not just sadness.  It is frustration, loneliness, impatience, and a lack of joy.  It continues, not for days, but weeks (sometimes longer).  The first step is recognizing it.  If you see these signs in yourself or someone around you, seek help!  

Start by finding a counselor or therapist.  Willowdale Chapel has many resources.  Speaking to a licensed professional gives you the help and suggestions that have proven to be the best practices.  

Next, ask for prayers.  This past fall, I shared my request with my Bible study.  I was truly grateful for additional help from friends that went beyond prayers only.  They checked in, watched my kids so I could go to counseling, provided meals. Friends in faith proved my biggest contributors to my success - caring, loving, and full of grace.  It’s Jesus’ light shining through! There are people in our church who will pray over you if you don’t already have a small group.

Proverbs 18:24: “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

I found a friend with shared faith to confide in any time I needed.  One who would listen, pray, and send me verses in really difficult moments.  In those moments, when my head was under water, it became really hard to pray, read the bible, or focus on my faith.  When reaching out to this friend, I was not expecting a Bible verse in response.  I was thrown off the first time, almost angry.  But I quickly learned that verse and those prayer hands over text message were exactly what I needed.  It brought a calmness that allowed me to pray personally and see straight once more.   

The biggest difference in depression between now (in faith) and then (without) -- I know my worth.  I know God wants me here.  He has a plan and a purpose for me.  I see the light.  Even in the darkness, there are stars. (Psalm 136:9) I did not have this five years ago.  I had no hope, understanding, nor purpose.  With God we have it all.  Even through the struggles, He is there. He has a plan for you.  He has a purpose for you.  We are with you.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  We are here to help. 

1 Peter 5:6-7 “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.  

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

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A former teacher, coach and personal trainer, Kristin Ryan now loves being a stay-at-home mom.

As someone who has more recently found Christianity, she enjoys learning and growing in her faith and is excited to share her experience with others.

Kristin and her husband, Casey, have three small children (one was born during the pandemic) and one big dog.