The Pure Kindness of Spring

The Pure Kindness of Spring

This month our family said goodbye to a beautiful man who, for many years, was our patriarch. His name was Harry and he was my father’s cousin. He would have been 96 this spring. His was a good life, graced with health and a marriage of 71 years. Though I considered him a quiet man, he always found a way to make me feel loved and appreciated. Haga clic abajo para leer en Español.

My Father’s Daughter

My Father’s Daughter

As I unabashedly placed a dripping mug of hot coffee on top of a crisp, new yellow legal pad, I had to chuckle. As much as I love brand new and pristine office products (yes, I still love back-to-school shopping), it doesn’t bother me to ruin a perfectly good legal pad because I can still write over the coffee stain.

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Word of the Year

Word of the Year

I’m not much on New Year’s resolutions but do you ever choose a word for the year? Not like how demure was chosen by as the word of the year 2024. This word gained viral fame on TikTok and before you knew it, it was everywhere. Well, I’m not sure I am demure, and I’m not talking about that kind of word of the year. I’m talking about choosing a word that is a theme for your year.

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When the Word Became Flesh

When the Word Became Flesh

“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14

Let me paint a picture for you.
You’re the owner of a huge, thriving business. Before starting this company, you were set financially for the rest of your life — so even though you didn’t need to work, you chose to work because you wanted others to share in the fruits of your endlessly creative mind.

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A Survival Guide for Seasonal Depression

A Survival Guide for Seasonal Depression

First, I want to start by emphasizing that the following is not a checklist. I know that doing any of these things can feel impossible in the thick of seasonal depression, and the last thing anyone needs is to have shame heaped upon them for not taking better care of themselves.

With that being said, as someone who personally struggles with my mental health this time of year, I often need encouragement to prioritize habits that are good for my body and brain. If these darker, colder days are hard for you as well, I gently encourage you to try checking off one or two of the ideas on this list per day.

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Taking on the Trials and Traversing the Trails

Taking on the Trials and Traversing the Trails

One of my favorite things that I get to do is ride bikes in the woods and coach our local middle and high school mountain biking club. It’s challenging, fun and gives me a chance to be outside in the beautiful world that God has created. When riding a mountain bike on a trail in the woods one will encounter all sorts of obstacles…

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Finding Wild Hope

Finding Wild Hope

Our theme for MomCo* this year is Wild Hope.  As the coordinator at Willowdale Chapel’s Jennersville campus, it’s been on my brain a lot the past six months – and I LOVE IT! It’s made me think how much hope I have in all things around me – my marriage, my kids, my home, my job, my church, my groups, etc. It brings me so much joy and peace in life to have such wild hope! 

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My Hopes and Expectations for God

My Hopes and Expectations for God

Each week I have the pleasure of serving with others at our Jennersville campus as a Willowdale Chapel student leader. The students have a snack, some kind of activity and a talk followed by small group time. The time is so rich and it has been amazing to see the students grow in their knowledge of the Lord. The message also challenges me to grow in my faith, too.

This week our student ministry pastor, Jordan Lichty, shared about the unspoken truth of a relationship with God.