God's Provision

What Happened to Customer Service

What Happened to Customer Service

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a notification that the automatic payment for my health insurance has been correctly debited from my account. After several go-arounds with the “helpless line” and assorted other demonstrations of futility, I just wasn’t sure if we would actually end up with the proper insurance coverage. But lo! we did!

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God's Glorious Natural Reminders

God's Glorious Natural Reminders

I have had the privilege of going out on a boat with my family in the Delaware Bay numerous times over the past few years. We have seen the water as smooth as glass and so rough we have to stick to the inner harbor! We have seen completely blue skies and fog so thick we could not see past 20 yards of water. We have seen ferries, sailboats, fishing boats, and carriers. We have seen osprey, pelicans, sea gulls, horseshoe crabs, turtles, and dolphins. We have jumped in and swam to shore. (Okay, my family has; I prefer clear pool water. But I watch.) Each time I am amazed by God’s creation – the diversity in colors, shapes, and abilities.

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Beauty From Ashes

Beauty From Ashes

Isaiah 61:3 talks about God giving us beauty for ashes and Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” This is a poem I wrote reflecting some thoughts about those two verses. 

Lord, Your Word says you make all things beautiful 

I want to believe this

I want to claim this

I want to know it deep within my heart

But Lord, some things are so ugly

My own heart seems beyond repair

Beauty seems so far away

I resonate with ashes, but beauty?

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Our Heavy Troubles are a Small Thing to a Giant

Our Heavy Troubles are a Small Thing to a Giant

I recently watched a movie in which an American soldier was shot in Afghanistan while out on patrol. Only he and his translator survived from their unit. The translator was determined to get the soldier out of hostile territory and back to his base with no concern for his own life. One of the things that struck me in the movie was how well they portrayed the Herculean task that the translator was facing.

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Glory in the Humdrum: A Prayer for the Bored, Weary, or Wilting

Glory in the Humdrum: A Prayer for the Bored, Weary, or Wilting

Heavenly Father,

You know my heart, so you know I am struggling to find joy in this current season of life. I feel stuck, crawling through this wilderness with no end in sight. I look desperately for meaning and purpose in days that feel long and mundane. I have dreams for my life that seem bigger than the place where I wake up. I wrestle with the disappointment of both what is and what has not yet come.

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Broken and Bleeding

Broken and Bleeding

The woman is not named, but her beautiful story is recorded in Matthew, Mark and Luke. It has connected with me like few others. She is known as the woman with a bleeding issue. This is not a pretty topic. It also might be hard to discuss candidly in a sermon. But we as women can certainly relate…and her story is worth a closer look.

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When More of Jesus Means More Difficulty

When More of Jesus Means More Difficulty

My focus during Lent this year has been to seek more of Jesus in my daily life. In my moving around the house, driving in my car, in my conversations, as I discipline my children, as I listen to my friends. I felt a need not to give something up but to make more room for why we even recognize this time of year. 

Jesus is Enough

Jesus is Enough

I spent a lot of my growing up years feeling guilty, like I was letting God down. I’d go my own way, turning my heart toward things of the world. Inevitably, I’d feel convicted, confess my sins, ask Jesus to come back into my heart and rededicate my life to him. This would last for a while, then before long, I would stray again.

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A Surprise Message

A Surprise Message

Over the last few months, I have learned (like many other teachers) that this “back to normal” school year is not actually “back to normal” at all. Somehow, with decreased health, safety precautions and the availability of a vaccine, this year seems even harder than last. A month or so ago I was in the middle of struggling with the school year, my mental health, and my general work life balance…

Refueling Your Tank

Refueling Your Tank

Do you ever feel like you’re running on fumes…or perhaps completely empty?

I imagine we have all experienced seasons where the reserves are running dry and we have nothing left in the tank.

Just over a year ago, I was in one of these seasons. A period of feeling like I was driving in circles, stuck in a perpetual NASCAR race wondering, “what’s the purpose...what’s my purpose?” I was discontent and burning out fast. That’s when my crew chief (Heavenly Father) called for a pit stop. Did I make it into the pit in time? Not quite... God had a literal pit stop in mind.