Beauty From Ashes

Isaiah 61:3 talks about God giving us beauty for ashes and Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” This is a poem I wrote reflecting some thoughts about those two verses. 

Lord, Your Word says you make all things beautiful 

I want to believe this

I want to claim this

I want to know it deep within my heart

But Lord, some things are so ugly

My own heart seems beyond repair

Beauty seems so far away

I resonate with ashes, but beauty?

I do see beauty in life

But I also see ashes

So many ashes…

Pain in my life

Pain in the lives of others

How do ashes become things of beauty?

How does black and gray

Ugly and broken

Become colorful and vibrant

Alive and dynamic

Free and whole 


And not only how, but when Lord?

How long must there be ashes? 

How long will they cover the beauty?

Your Word says “in its time.” 

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.” 

But what does that mean? 

I want to see the beauty 

But ashes block my vision

Cover me, bury me

Deep down there is beauty

But when will it surface? 

It seems so far away…

Does it start with me?

Does it start with me handing over the ashes?

Instead of hiding in them

Instead of wallowing in them? 

Do you want them?

Can you transform them?

Because I surely can’t 

If I reach out,

Hand you my ashes

Will you take what is black and gray

Ugly and broken

And make it colorful and vibrant

Alive and dynamic

Free and whole

Will you make me beautiful? 


Danielle (Dani) Rupp grew up in a small town in Ohio and is a true Buckeye fan, though she tries not to be obnoxious about it. In 2011 she came to PA to earn her Master of Social Work degree. After graduation Dani accepted a position as a mental health therapist for children and adolescents in Coatesville. She was a nanny for several years as well. During that time she lived in Kennett Square and attended Willowdale Chapel. She returned several years ago from South Asia where she learned to tolerate spicy food and cross the roads without being hit, as well as volunteered with International Justice Mission in their Aftercare Department. In her free time, Dani enjoys going on mission trips/traveling, running, reading, and connecting with loved ones—preferably over coffee and a sweet treat.