What Happened to Customer Service

Listen to this week’s blog:

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a notification that the automatic payment for my health insurance has been correctly debited from my account. After several go-arounds with the “helpless line” and assorted other demonstrations of futility, I just wasn’t sure if we would actually end up with the proper insurance coverage. But lo! we did! 

Reflecting on my excitement that someone did the job that they had said they would do, I realize that more and more these days, it comes as a pleasant surprise when I receive the service or the product that I have been promised. I often tend to expect incompetence, unfulfilled promises or just general confusion on the part of the employees at businesses at which I am a customer. 

I am not alone in my skepticism. In recent years the standards of confidence and general trust in society has gone downhill. If you look at Gallup polls taken since 1993 about Americans’ confidence level in institutions such as television news, big business, organized religion and public schools, you can see a downward trend across the board. Pew Research Center surveys reveal that our trust in our government is among the lowest in almost 70 years of research. There seems to be a general distrust and expected disappointment across society in a lot of sectors. No small wonder that when we receive good customer service or someone follows through on a promise, it comes as a pleasant surprise.

Praise be to God that He never changes His level of customer service! All of the promises God makes to us are fulfilled in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 1:20), who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8). Our Father of the heavenly lights does not change or cast a shifting shadow (Jas 1:17). And how about this for customer service? Jesus said,

“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32

In a world where so much is uncertain, and we are expecting to be let down at every turn, what a comfort it is that the God of Creation, a warrior and commander of the hosts of Heaven, follows through on His promises!

When the sun rose this morning, His promise was fulfilled. 

When the rain fell on the dry ground, His promise was fulfilled. 

When the tiny acorn grows into the mighty oak, His promise is fulfilled! 

And when you wake up to a morning of joy after a night of weeping, His promise is fulfilled.

Let us stand on His promises and rest confidently in the arms of the Almighty. Now that is some service!

For further reflection:

If I Stand by Rich Mullins 

There's more that rises in the morning

Than the sun

And more that shines in the night

Than just the moon

It's more than just this fire here

That keeps me warm

In a shelter that is larger

Than this room

And there's a loyalty that's deeper

Than mere sentiments

And a music higher than the songs

That I can sing

The stuff of Earth competes

For the allegiance

I owe only to the Giver

Of all good things

So if I stand let me stand on the promise

That you will pull me through

And if I can't, let me fall on the grace

That first brought me to You

And if I sing let me sing for the joy

That has born in me these songs

And if I weep let it be as a man

Who is longing for his home

There's more that dances on the prairies

Than the wind

More that pulses in the ocean

Than the tide

There's a love that is fiercer

Than the love between friends

More gentle than a mother's

When her baby's at her side

And there's a loyalty that's deeper

Than mere sentiments

And a music higher than the songs

That I can sing

The stuff of Earth competes

For the allegiance

I owe only to the Giver

Of all good things

So if I stand let me stand on the promise

That you will pull me through

And if I can't let me fall on the grace

That first brought me to You

And if I sing let me sing for the joy

That has born in me these songs

And if I weep let it be as a man

Who is longing for his home

Listen to the song

Gallup poll: Americans’ Confidence in 17 US Institutions

Pew Research: Public Trust in Government: 1958-2024

Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay


Sarah Flowers lives in idyllic Chadds Ford, where she is steeped in beauty and connection to the land and its history. She loves coffee and flowers and getting to know Jesus. A lifelong learner, she seeks to follow God’s plan to bring justice to the under-resourced. Sarah is a self-declared serial optimist and melodiphile; there’s always a path to the sunny side and a soundtrack for the journey! She is a mom and wife and a grateful alumna of Northwood University. Her former iterations include automotive professional and shoe diva. Sarah serves on the Deacon Team at Willowdale Chapel and is dipping her toe into podcasting!