Remaining Present

Driving to a soccer practice. Texting. Cooking. Cleaning. Reading. Chasing after my German shorthair pointer. As a working mother to two busy girls, I find myself pulled in a variety of directions. In the span of five minutes you can find me whipping something random together from my fridge for dinner to responding to an email from my boss that popped up on my phone. All the while my kids are vying for my attention. Do you ever struggle with simply being present?

I end up trying to juggle it all or plan for details in the future that I have no control over. Time and time again, I remind myself I need to embrace the moment I was gifted today. I absolutely have to be intentional in creating spaces of living in the now. I must also be content with what my here and now happens to be. But it’s hard. So hard.

First, I must be present with the people I am surrounded by. Social media, activities and just plain busyness can monopolize the beautiful people I adore in my life. I was encouraged by a friend to learn to say no. Saying no is hard but necessary because it opens up space in my day and my schedule. Space that I want to -- no I need to -- fill with Jesus. I realized that if I don’t create personal time with the Lord where I can read the Bible, pray and be in His presence, I cannot live my life to the fullest. Space is my new best friend. With it, God can literally fill my soul even on the days my circumstance seems to just stink.

The second part on my journey to remaining present is being satisfied and content with the life I’ve been given. My husband and I have been desiring to have more children. We lost a twin pregnancy in the second trimester and had another miscarriage shortly after, so we have decided to listen to the Lord and pursue a different route. We always had the dream of fostering children. We expected to do it along with our own birth children, but God seems to have other plans. In February, we were approved to be foster parents, so we expected this empty crib to be filled quickly after getting that approval. Months later, we are all still waiting, wondering what our family is going to “look” like. Creating space for Jesus has opened up my heart to accept and be satisfied with His plans for me. Just as they are. They look different, and I don’t understand every detail but He knows. And I trust He is always faithful, even when it doesn’t make sense at the time.

So, I challenge you to take on being present with those around you and fully engage in the life Jesus has given you. The road is not always easy. The process of persevering while you wait may not feel like growth. But living full of His presence and remaining present is worth pursuing.

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