Finding Solitude

To get more active, I am trying to get more steps in each day. I started off the new year walking with my husband or kids. If it wasn’t so cold, I would probably try to wrangle in one of my neighbors. But the other day, I went outside to get my steps in alone, and I was bored after a few minutes. I literally struggled to be alone in my thoughts. 

I started to pray about this. I came to realize that I am constantly saturated by activity, reading, TV and the instant gratification of the miniature computer that sits in the palm of my hand. So, I began to think through how to address this difficulty of sitting in solitude. I’ve thought about how it could impact my prayer life. How long can I sit before the Lord and pour out my heart. These activities are fine in themselves but if they are detracting me away from quality time with God, that may be an area of sin in my life I need to give over. We need solitude. All throughout Jesus’ life, he escaped to spend time with the Lord.  

So here is my action plan:

Take a break from technology

I have a job that requires a computer and use of my phone. But when I am not using it for those purposes, I am leaving it plugged in. Not having it in arms reach will help me not feel the need to pick it up. 

Start with five minutes of silence before picking up my Bible

One of the people I admire most in my spiritual life recommended this to me a few months back. It’s really hard. But it gives us time to work through our thoughts and prepare our hearts for what I’m about to read and hear through the Holy Spirit.

When I am stressed, stop going to social media for a break

I’m just being honest here. Scrolling through Instagram or Facebook is a very easy way for me to escape dealing with my daughter’s meltdown or the laundry I have to fold. I recognize there may not be anything inherently wrong with social media, but it’s so easy to use it way too much.

Walk and talk with Jesus

Get out and walk and while you’re getting that movement to pump your endorphins, put on some worship music. Willowdale had us do this midway through the pandemic. Walking with music was no problem for me. And maybe that is where I should start again! Practice it and make it part of my life more. Listen to a song then pray and share all that is on my mind. Jesus is a friend and wants to hear what’s on my mind and heart. It is so easy for me to pick up the phone and call a friend to share the news of the day but He wants all of me. I need more of Him so desperately.


Whenever there is sin in our lives that we need to give over to God, we simply need to confess and petition what we need. He is always there when we call and quick to offer forgiveness. We need not condemn ourselves but trust that God can help us and transform our lives to become more like His son Jesus.

We all have areas we can give over to God. This happens to be mine. I share it because I think we all could use more time with Him. It is so easy to be pulled by distractions today. Paul said it best in 1 Corinthians 7:35, “I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.” Praying we all spend more time in solitude with Jesus this new year. 


Susan Veenema has been in education for 20 years supporting children with disabilities and their families and currently works for the Department of Education.

Susan and her husband, Jeremy, love exploring Chester County with their two older biological daughters and three adopted children.

People are her passion.