Top 10 Blogs

Over the past four years, 22 remarkable women wrote blogs for WillowdaleWomen. They shared their wisdom on a range of subjects including: mental health, living through the pandemic, grief, singleness, confidence, setting healthy boundaries, biblical strategies, building flourishing friendships, trusting God’s plan for our lives and so much more. Women from around the world in 80 countries have read their stories. 

Here are the top 10 blogs since the WillowdaleWomen launch in 2018: 

No Shadow of Turning with Thee

God is faithful and unchanging. This frees us up to live without fear and with assurance for our future. But God also calls us to live out our own faithfulness. How do we practice that in our everyday lives?

A Psalm for the Pandemic

The pandemic is scary. But God is not threatened. He was the one who brought us to and through a time such as this. Read about how He is working in the midst of the pandemic. 

Grieve It 

Sometimes we need to lament – acknowledge great loss and sorrow. God expects this from us. When we do, we can feel Him whisper back – “don’t worry, I’ve got this.” 

Tattoos are Forever 

When God looks at us, he sees us as holy and blameless because of Christ. God loves us and He is willing to permanently etch our names on his hand. His love – like a tattoo – is forever.  

Where Does Your Heart Dwell 

How do we respond in the midst of life when it is different than expected? Waiting is hard. And trusting God can be even harder.

Refueling Your Tank 

What happens when life has us burned out and discontent? God is there 24/7 and can use us in our weakness and remind us of the truth that He does have a plan for our lives. 

Songs to Lift the Spirit 

Take this opportunity to discover new music or rediscover music you’ve loved in the past to help you identify, acknowledge and embrace the range of emotions we all feel during challenging and stressful times. 

The Black and White of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit can convict us, change us and pray for us – especially in navigating our conversations and actions involving racism in America. 

Losing My Religion

How often do we consider religion something to just check off our to-do list? God wants more than that. He wants us to turn to Him when times are good and difficult. 

Gospel Comebacks and Tiger Woods 

Tiger Woods had a comeback. Every Christian’s story is also a comeback story – how we are fallen and God rescued us. In our humility, He gives us the power to live abundant lives.