You are not alone in feeling alone—Part 1

We all long to feel that we have a sense of belonging with other people who make us feel accepted and well loved. Maybe you realize this and maybe you don’t, but I don’t think I am alone in expressing this idea. 

Jennie Allen authors the book, “Find Your People.” This amazing Christian author was on Good Morning America talking about this best-selling title. Why? Because our society is aching for more than just relating to other humans through likes and comments on social media. 

A few of us at Willowdale Chapel are diving into this book together this summer. When some ladies at church heard that I was leading the book study, they were surprised because I know a lot of people. They assumed that knowing people meant that I am in deep relationships with many of them. But, I often struggle with loneliness. My closest friends live far away, and we recently moved across town which means picking a random night for dinner or dropping in to share about my day with those I consider close friends is a thing of the past. I miss doing everyday life with people close to me. 

Allen writes, “Community should, and in its truest form, reflect aspects of who God is and how He loves.” Doesn’t this make sense? This loving, compassionate God who gave His life for us was constantly seeking out others and continues to do that as our Father in Heaven.  This is also why we love being seen, heard, and valued for exactly who we are. Because that is what Jesus does for us. 

We are all likely familiar with the story of Adam and Eve. God made Adam this beautiful garden that had everything He needed. But God saw something else that His ultimate creation needed: a helper. “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’” Even in the beginning God knew we needed others. Ultimately this shows us how much we need Him, but through others we can experience His love as well. How lonely would it be to go through life without a friend or companion beside us? Imagine how Adam felt upon getting a partner, Eve. He must have felt connected. We were designed for it.

This whole idea of relationships being vital to thriving has been a little intimidating to me but also reassuring. I kept wondering why I felt this way even though I knew I had people to call. What we are learning in this book is that we need two to five people that we are doing life with day-in and day-out. Not just someone you’d call when you have a promotion or lost your job. Not just the notification that it’s their birthday. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have them in your tribe, too. But what we crave is the intimacy of people carrying your burdens and joys tenderly, who are willing to stop in their tracks, no matter what, because you matter that much to them. Allen also writes about what eternity will look like. We will be “living, working, eating, loving, worshiping, enjoying God forever with a diverse group of people we recognize and who recognize us—forever.”

I have been praying over who God will put in my life and have been learning to be intentional. Someone is probably not just going to come to my front door and ask me out for coffee; I need to be proactive to connect with others. I encourage you to join me in working on connecting with a few deep friendships. Put the effort into making relationships and spending time with others. I know God desires this as much as we do. I believe that God will provide just the right friendships. Let’s trust in this together. Can’t wait to share with you next time I write in Part 2  about what happens!


Susan Veenema and her husband, Jeremy, love exploring Chester County with their two older biological daughters and three adopted children. Susan has been in education for almost 20 years supporting children with disabilities and their families. She currently works at the Department of Education.

One of her greatest joys is leading Thursday night women's Bible study and her couples community group. People are her passion. She loves to read, write and study everything from history to social sciences to the early church. You'll always find her trusty German Shorthaired Pointer by her side.


Willowdale Adventure Days is an opportunity for families to have fun while growing in faith together. These days are a great way for families to create “remember when” moments with each other, friends, and our church family.

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