“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.” Psalm 19:7a NIV
This summer at Willowdale Chapel, we’ve been hearing how various members of our pastoral and teaching team find refreshment. Particular passages of Scripture have brought rest and renewal for many of us, and it has been enjoyable to listen to how others have achieved this, so today I’m sharing how I found refreshment this summer.
I have spent part of this summer meditating on Psalm 19 in my various travels. The seventh verse, the first of six verses that talks about the benefits of God’s ways, states “The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.” Other versions use “reviving” and “renewing” and Merriam Webster’s definition mentions “restoring strength and animation” and “replenishing.”
The Pennsylvania Mid-State Trail.
Refreshing, restoring, reviving and renewing sound wonderful, but I wondered… How can a law accomplish all that?
I found the answer in a trail signpost. It is a relief to find a signpost when you’ve been wandering. This summer I was hiking the Pennsylvania Mid-State Trail with a friend, and we had planned a route that would require a small spur trail to return us to our vehicle. When I am out in the woods, I always look for the next marker to confirm that I am on the right path. Sometimes, the blazes are faded or missing for a while, and I start to worry that I’ve missed the turn. At one point on our hike that day, I was so wrapped up in whether we were on the right trail that I wasn’t able to enjoy the literal mountaintop experience I was having. I had just viewed a stunning vista that “declares the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1) The rhododendrons were still in bloom; the cool breezes and the blue of the cloudless sky were so refreshing. But there I was, rushing through a mountain trail, breathlessly anxious about whether I was on the right path and doubting my planning and map!
The sign post!
Imagine my relief when around a bend I saw a sign post. Hallelujah! Here it was, a reassuring presence just where it was supposed to be. With a renewed mindset, I was able to relax and enjoy the rest of my hike.
I started to think about how life is like that hike. Though I am made in God’s image, I am a fallen sinner. I can slip into a grasping, greedy, manipulating bundle of wild emotions and sinful desires who can’t rely on myself alone to make the best choices for my life. No matter how hard I’ve tried, I just can’t seem to make a go of it for very long. I have wasted years attempting to fool most of the people most of the time into thinking that I am a good person… making me the biggest fool of all. Paul addressed the Romans about this very thing.
“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.” Romans 8:5-7 NIV
I’ve found myself in untenable situations because I didn’t submit to higher wisdom. The heart of the matter for me and every one of us is that we are desperate to be saved from ourselves. We need God’s perfect law to keep guard rails on our life.
What a sense of peace I experience when I realize that the great thing about admitting I’m a failure is that I can cry out to God for help. His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor.12:9). His law is perfect, but I am imperfect. However, we have a flawless God to make us righteous. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, stands in the gap that exists between God and we sinners. When God looks at us, He sees the righteousness of Christ and His atoning blood; renewing and reviving us for His glory. Instead of seeing a grasping, manipulative bundle of base tendencies, God sees only a beautiful and beloved child.
How refreshing that I don’t have to have all of the answers! Someone infinitely powerful is in charge of my life and providing instructions for it. Just like finding an elusive signpost on a mountain trail, we are refreshed and renewed with energy and purpose when we experience the positive results of God’s perfect law.
“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.” Psalm 119:165 NIV
For Further Study:
Psalm 19
Proverbs (Any of them!)
Guard Rails by Andy Stanley
Sarah Flowers lives in idyllic Chadds Ford, where she is steeped in beauty and connection to the land and its history. She loves coffee and flowers and getting to know Jesus.
A lifelong learner, she seeks to follow God’s plan to bring justice to the under-resourced. Sarah is a self-declared serial optimist and melodiphile; there’s always a path to the sunny side and a soundtrack for the journey!
She is a mom and wife and a grateful alumna of Northwood University. Her former iterations include automotive professional and shoe diva. Sarah serves on the Deacon Team at Willowdale Chapel.
Join us for a Willowdale Women's Fall Group
Fall is a great season to jump into one our women's groups. In our groups we enjoy great teaching, thought-provoking discussion, prayer, relationship building, and serving opportunities. CLICK HERE to get a taste of all Women's ministry is offering, and PLEASE register ASAP to ensure we have plenty of books and materials for our first week. New this year, we are piloting a homeschool group for kids K-4th grade on Wednesday mornings during our women's group time.
You might also consider joining one of our new Life of Christ Discovery Bible Groups on Wednesday nights at both campuses. We invite anyone new to Willowdale, new to the faith, disconnected from church community, or if you are in a group but need a reboot, to join us. All are welcome! Groups are available for women, men and couples. DISCOVERY BIBLE GROUP INFO AND REGISTRATION
Lastly, we are looking for women (and men) to serve our children during our daytime groups and MOPS. If you are willing to consider this great opportunity to disciple children in our children's program, please let me know. Whether you can serve weekly or just once a month, we'd love to plug you in.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Carole Hoy
Women's and Groups' Pastor
Willowdale Chapel