
My Father’s Daughter

My Father’s Daughter

As I unabashedly placed a dripping mug of hot coffee on top of a crisp, new yellow legal pad, I had to chuckle. As much as I love brand new and pristine office products (yes, I still love back-to-school shopping), it doesn’t bother me to ruin a perfectly good legal pad because I can still write over the coffee stain.

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Intimate and Simple

Intimate and Simple

If there’s one thing that will consistently prick my anxiety, get my nerves going and make me start to sweat, it’s the thought of having to share my faith with someone. What if I say the wrong thing? What if it’s not perfect? What if I miss something? It’s intimidating and scary and most of the time I try to avoid it. But the thing is, when we look at the example of Jesus in the Bible, when He shares the Gospel, it’s not intimidating and scary. It’s intimate and simple.

Take Me Back to Church

Take Me Back to Church

2020 has been a year of disappointments, struggles, hard decisions, and such unknowns. It’s also been a year of realizations about what is truly important, what brings us joy, what family and friends are all about, and most importantly, how much we need God and how much he really does provide.

Discipleship: Why We Need to Practice

Discipleship: Why We Need to Practice

I like the idea of practicing because it extends freedom.  I find grace in practicing. There is room for mistakes and room for improvement in practicing.  In time, the mistakes are fewer and expertise yields beauty. I need that: grace and room for mistakes but also a kind of learning that leaves me with something worthwhile, something beautiful.

4 Lessons from an Accidental Disciple

4 Lessons from an Accidental Disciple

In the years I’ve spent in camp ministry, I’ve had the privilege of meeting a variety of people from all over the world, who have encouraged me personally and professionally. One particular camp volunteer offered clarity and hope to me in the midst of a confusing, difficult season as a twentysomething working in ministry.