
Do You Have a Hobby?

Do You Have a Hobby?

Yesterday, someone asked me what I have going on this fall, and my immediate response was to answer with the responsibilities I have: my job and my children’s schedules and activities. My brain then moved to commitments I have to various groups and then to some other family commitments. It was only after talking myself through all of those that I even thought about some of the things I am doing that I really enjoy outside of my responsibilities. And maybe that’s appropriate, as my responsibilities are the work God has given me to do, but I also know for me, it is often difficult to find mental and physical energy to devote to something after I get through all those responsibilities. Having “a hobby” often feels like a luxury my mind can’t afford.

More Than a Song

More Than a Song

When I say “12 days of Christmas,” my guess is most of you think of a song. If I ask if you know what Epiphany is, would you connect the two? Now, many of you have probably heard the word epiphany used to describe that peak “aha!” moment when a character in a book or play, for example, has a sudden realization that brings all the pieces of the story together to make sense. You may have even used this word yourself when something has clicked into place for you in your mind (I’ve just had an epiphany!).

Joyful Expectancy

Joyful Expectancy

I recently had a job performance evaluation. Categories were “Exceeds Expectations,” “Meets Expectations” and “Below Expectations.”  These boxes are pretty black and white. Easily defined. And our expectations tend to be that way. Without even realizing it, we rate others, ourselves, our experiences and even God by these standards. Before I left for South Asia to do mission work…