
Finding Life in Community

Finding Life in Community

Sometimes I just feel lonely. I can be in a room surrounded by a lot of people, but I long for something deeper. Our souls crave to be in community with others. Coming out of the pandemic after spending that year in isolation felt so refreshing. We could get out of our yoga pants and put on some fancy clothes, and the goal was to connect with our people.

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who am I?  Do I matter?  Where do I belong?

Over the summer, our Jennersville pastors Doug Walker (student ministry) and Johnny Johnston (campus pastor) taught on these questions adolescents strive to answer before entering their adulthood.  As they popped up on the screen, I thought, “as an adult, I still ask these questions!” In my twenties I struggled with depression, mostly because my answer to these questions were: