Willowdale Women

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Unexpected Turns

Over the past two years, many events in my life have been unexpected experiences. We were pregnant with twins only to lose them far into the pregnancy. Started a new job to further my career only to realize it wasn’t a good fit. I got pregnant again and miscarried that baby. We started fostering children, and found it to be its own journey down the unexpected.

We have also had unexpected joys. My daughter made an Olympic Developmental Program for soccer. My beautiful niece was brought into the world. My former employer took me back into a position that I really enjoy.

Christine Caine, Australian evangelist, author and international speaker, published a book recently entitled “Unexpected.” I’m only through the first few chapters, but I am drawn to the reminders of clinging to our God that pulls us through ALL circumstances.

The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis reveals that we live in a fallen world. It will never be perfect or always joyful. I find it so easy to praise God and “see His plan” when the story has a happy ending or makes me feel good. But, I’ve learned these past few years, that these unexpected experiences can give us a longing for more of Jesus. When sorrow or disappointment is at its peak, there is no one I’d rather be surrounded by than Him. It’s in the presence of Christ--which I find through the reading of the Bible, singing songs and praying--that I feel complete regardless of what lays before me.

How do you respond to the unexpected? What’s the best  way for you to turn to God in these unexpected times? One thing is for sure, we will have many unexpected events occur in our life. We can allow events to dictate us or lean into Christ and trust Him to be our rock throughout it all.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Know that you are not alone during the unexpected. Cling to Christ. Lean on your community. Find a friend. We need each other to be reminded of who we are in Jesus. Times may be challenging, and we may not know the next step, but one thing that is for certain is that we have a loving Father to hold our hand and guide us.

Don't miss our Women's Fall Kickoff Events

On Thursday, August 23 at 6:30 p.m. join us to connect, be encouraged and learn about what's coming up for women this fall. Events will be held at both locations: