
No Fear of the Heat

No Fear of the Heat

How do you respond in a crisis? I have always been one of those people who just puts her head down and does what needs to be done. I push through the difficulties, often not stopping to check what I am thinking and feeling. I just do the next thing until the crisis is over! Then when I come out on the other side, I look back and see how God worked in the situation. This tactic is not working too well right now because the length of the “crisis” is so long. It’s been six months of unprecedented craziness. That’s a long time to keep your head down!

Praise Him Anyway

Praise Him Anyway

A few years ago when I got pregnant with twins, I was so excited at the thought of having not one, but two little ones to love. I thought God was fulfilling my dream of a big family. My two older children are wonderful, but the Lord gave me a desire to grow our family. After seven years of praying for more children, God finally answered me.

But that's not what I wanted…

But that's not what I wanted…

In the six weeks following Christmas, all three of my kids have birthdays, which means they  receive a lot of presents in a short period of time. After the first awkward incident when my son looked at his grandmother and said, "But that's not what I wanted," we learned to prep them before parties and family gatherings when we knew they would be receiving gifts.

New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

I keep hearing people say “new year, new you!” The problem is, I don’t feel new. The year is barely a week old and I feel overwhelmed and overburdened. I feel like I can’t do even one more thing, that the tasks ahead of me are too many. Work. Home. Friends. Family. Laundry. Dinner. Cleaning. I feel pulled in so many directions that I can’t possibly do it all, like I am not enough. I feel like the needs of those around me are too great. I just can’t do it.

Unexpected Turns

Unexpected Turns

Over the past two years, many events in my life have been unexpected experiences. We were pregnant with twins only to lose them far into the pregnancy. Started a new job to further my career only to realize it wasn’t a good fit. I got pregnant again and miscarried that baby. We started fostering children, and found it to be its own journey down the unexpected.