
Grieve It

Grieve It

This past Memorial Day weekend marked 16 years since “the accident.” A horrific car accident that would change the trajectory of my life in a myriad of ways. Physically, spiritually, mentally, and relationally. Recovering in the hospital, the only change my mind could focus on centered on the changes to my body. Severe injuries sustained by my right leg led to the need for an above the knee amputation, and a few months down the line the addition of a prosthetic leg.

Unexpected Turns

Unexpected Turns

Over the past two years, many events in my life have been unexpected experiences. We were pregnant with twins only to lose them far into the pregnancy. Started a new job to further my career only to realize it wasn’t a good fit. I got pregnant again and miscarried that baby. We started fostering children, and found it to be its own journey down the unexpected.