Present help

Seasons of God’s Faithfulness

Seasons of God’s Faithfulness

As I sit here in my cozy spot in my kitchen, I look outside at the vast greenery and splashes of bright colors from the many summer flowers. But soon those colors will be replaced by the more subtle hues of fall bringing another splendid scene out my window, similar in some ways but different in others. My life is a reflection of these beautiful seasons: so many cherished memories and moments but many changes along the way. 

A Safe Place to Put Your Mind

A Safe Place to Put Your Mind

I grew up in the heart of the Catskill Park in upstate New York. I swam in the Esopus Creek and hiked up Wittenberg Mountain. Whenever I walked the two miles along Route 28 from my house to Kirk’s Market in Phoenicia, I always ran into a neighbor I knew. The natural beauty of the Catskill Mountains and the friendly community made it a wonderful place to be a kid. I can’t possibly tell you what a childhood in that park means to me.

I also grew up with schizophrenia in my family…