God's grace

Are We Good Enough?

Are We Good Enough?

A message I’ve repeatedly heard on social media, in written commentary pieces, and even in talks from Christian leaders is that “you are enough”, while some even take it further to say “you are good enough.” 

When taken with a grain of salt, I understand the message that we don’t have to perform up to someone else’s standard to be worthy of love – we are “enough” just as we are. But, even as I type that it still doesn’t sit right with me, because I see the sin in my heart, thoughts, and actions and I don’t see them as a qualifier or disqualifier for me to be loved.

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Opening Ancient Doors

Opening Ancient Doors

Coming home at Christmas is often momentous in our house as for many years it has meant someone returning after being far from home. In 2020, Covid separated us from one of our daughters who was in Canada. Last year when she pulled in after driving cross-country to be home for Christmas, we raced to the door singing, “She’s here, she’s here, she’s here!”

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Eutychus probably sounds like it needs to be followed by “bless you.” “Euty…who?” You might be asking. Or you might remember him being mentioned in Bonnie Kotler’s blog a few weeks ago. I’m going to unpack the story a little bit more as Eutychus just happens to be one of the main characters in a favorite Bible story of mine.

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When I am at the ocean, I feel the tension leaving my body. As the waves crash in and out, I feel myself breathing easily. The continual, inexorable waves crashing in and out, make me feel God‘s presence and His grace. As the waves come in and out, all of the trauma and disturbances of the day just disappear …

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