
Word of the Year

Word of the Year

I’m not much on New Year’s resolutions but do you ever choose a word for the year? Not like how demure was chosen by Dictionary.com as the word of the year 2024. This word gained viral fame on TikTok and before you knew it, it was everywhere. Well, I’m not sure I am demure, and I’m not talking about that kind of word of the year. I’m talking about choosing a word that is a theme for your year.

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Finding Wild Hope

Finding Wild Hope

Our theme for MomCo* this year is Wild Hope.  As the coordinator at Willowdale Chapel’s Jennersville campus, it’s been on my brain a lot the past six months – and I LOVE IT! It’s made me think how much hope I have in all things around me – my marriage, my kids, my home, my job, my church, my groups, etc. It brings me so much joy and peace in life to have such wild hope! 

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The Immutable Imago Dei

The Immutable Imago Dei

Created with eternity set into our hearts, the human spirit is imbued to the deepest core with hope. This gift is given to every person in the history of humanity. Regardless of our station in life, what physical characteristics that we were born with, the circumstances we grew up in or who we become, the truth of our creation recognizes the image of God in all of us.

A Thrill of Hope for a Weary World

A Thrill of Hope for a Weary World

I don’t know about you but I am puttering into December tired, running on empty … weary. I’m exhausted by all the decisions that need to be made, ranging from how we will celebrate the holidays this year to the safest way to grocery shop. I crave connection with friends I have not been able to see in person. I wonder if I have done enough to help those less fortunate than my family, those suffering from injustice. There’s more, but you get the gist!

Depression: Drugs or No Drugs?

Depression: Drugs or No Drugs?

In matters of theology and science, I often consider myself “the dumb it down expert.” Give me something complex, and I’ll try to make it easy for you to understand. It’s National Mental Health Awareness Month, and so I want to bring this “expertise” to bear on a complicated concept that straddles both theology and science: depression.

Reason for the Season

Reason for the Season

Christmas is such a busy time of year! Between attending holiday parties, Christmas shopping, baking cookies and decorating, I sure do have my calendar full. I love all the festivities, but they can also wear you out.

The busyness also makes me think about how I am prioritizing my time. I’m fully participating in activities of the season, but am I sharing the great news about why we celebrate it in the first place? We have such a blessing to share!