Mental Health

A Letter to Myself

A Letter to Myself

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month 2024, I hope this helps those who need to hear this message too.

A letter to myself,

You are amazing. The way you battle for your mental wellness every day while balancing all that is on your plate makes you a modern-day warrior. Your scars are a badge of courage…

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The Slippery Slope of Alcoholism

The Slippery Slope of Alcoholism

To borrow from the greeting of a recovery meeting: “Hi, my name is Bonnie and I am the granddaughter of two alcoholics (both sides of the family tree), daughter of an alcoholic, sister of an alcoholic, and aunt of an alcoholic.” Alcoholism runs strong and deep in my family tree. As the old proverb says, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” I mean that literally! Had I not found Jesus at 13 years old, I believe that I too would have been in that number.

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Are We Good Enough?

Are We Good Enough?

A message I’ve repeatedly heard on social media, in written commentary pieces, and even in talks from Christian leaders is that “you are enough”, while some even take it further to say “you are good enough.” 

When taken with a grain of salt, I understand the message that we don’t have to perform up to someone else’s standard to be worthy of love – we are “enough” just as we are. But, even as I type that it still doesn’t sit right with me, because I see the sin in my heart, thoughts, and actions and I don’t see them as a qualifier or disqualifier for me to be loved.

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How I Found Wholeness After My Mental Health Diagnosis

How I Found Wholeness After My Mental Health Diagnosis

For almost 30 years, I’ve lived with a clinical diagnosis of a mental health condition. For the first half of my life after hearing the words “bipolar disorder,”  I hid under an umbrella of shame not wanting anyone to know. It felt like a shadow looming over me …

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The Full Story

The Full Story

Etched beneath the skin of my upper right arm is a picture that looks pretty strange without any context. It’s half of a brain and half of a heart, combined to look like one organ and framed by a sunflower, a rose, and some daisies. Inside of the brain are the words no fear in love, written in a delicate script that almost blends in with the lines of the brain.

I got this tattoo in January of 2021 as a tribute to my mental health journey.

When Depression Almost Won

When Depression Almost Won

It is Mental Health Awareness Month – a recognition of the struggles some people face, often silently. I’ll share my testimony because it is my constant reminder of God’s love. It is a battle with depression that almost won. My story is no less or greater than any individual's story – we are all different and important. I share as an awareness, as a hope, as a testament to God's glory, resilience, promise, and ultimately, His love.

A Closer Look: A Conversation About Bipolar Disorder

A Closer Look: A Conversation About Bipolar Disorder

I had the pleasure of meeting Susan about seven years ago during Bible study. Our group grew close quickly as we studied Ephesians and Philippians together. It didn’t take long for our friendship to be cemented and for us to share deeper about our lives. Somewhere during those first years of Bible study together, Susan began to open up about her mental health. Her courage and boldness while recounting her journey with bipolar disorder inspired me.