God's Provision

On Knowing What to Hold and What to Release

On Knowing What to Hold and What to Release

Like many of you, I collected random paraphernalia during my elementary years. Child development experts tell us that this ‘gathering and sorting’ stage is a healthy indicator of our active imaginations and natural bent toward classifying objects. My two oldest are currently in this phase and the organizer in me wants to chuck all of their [perceived] rubbish out the window.

Seeking Your Purpose

Seeking Your Purpose

When I dream about becoming the woman God has created me to be, it’s often associated with a long list of items that I have to do. How I can muster enough strength to stop worrying, focus on the positive, stop spending excess money, be more patient. I make these mental lists in my mind and when I don’t achieve them, I get upset with myself, causing a cycle of guilt. I want to live out this dream to be the best wife, mom, daughter, sister, co-worker, but it is honestly futile if I am doing it on my own strength. 

A Safe Place to Put Your Mind

A Safe Place to Put Your Mind

I grew up in the heart of the Catskill Park in upstate New York. I swam in the Esopus Creek and hiked up Wittenberg Mountain. Whenever I walked the two miles along Route 28 from my house to Kirk’s Market in Phoenicia, I always ran into a neighbor I knew. The natural beauty of the Catskill Mountains and the friendly community made it a wonderful place to be a kid. I can’t possibly tell you what a childhood in that park means to me.

I also grew up with schizophrenia in my family…

New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

I keep hearing people say “new year, new you!” The problem is, I don’t feel new. The year is barely a week old and I feel overwhelmed and overburdened. I feel like I can’t do even one more thing, that the tasks ahead of me are too many. Work. Home. Friends. Family. Laundry. Dinner. Cleaning. I feel pulled in so many directions that I can’t possibly do it all, like I am not enough. I feel like the needs of those around me are too great. I just can’t do it.

What do YOU Believe About God?

What do YOU Believe About God?

A few years ago, our pastor started a sermon with this quote from AW Tozer: "What we believe about God is the most important thing".  I remember thinking 'Oh, that's good'. I then heard, saw or read that quote five more times in the next two weeks.  So, I thought, maybe God was trying to get my attention with those words.